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Internet Connectivity

The Backbone Of Your Digital World

Being connected in an ever evolving digital world is critical for nearly every home and business. Getting there can prove a challenge when it comes to finding the right type of provider. Many people default to simply calling their local incumbent provider such as Rogers or Bell. There’s many pros and cons of going with the “big guys” and some unexpected advantages of using a local indie provider. When it comes to Internet Connectivity and the options available, understanding your needs is critical. I’ll help you consider things like remote access, VoIP deployments, online backups, and the type(s) of work you’re doing online then plan accordingly.

I’ve Spent The Past 20 Years Getting People Connected & Keeping Them Secure

From dial-up, to Gigabit fiber, DSL to cable, satellite, and LTE connectivity I’ve kept people connected working in the ISP industry. I understand every step of the connectivity chain from your computer to the website half way across the world, what it takes to get there, and what it takes for those cute cat videos to come streaming back to you at lightening speeds. Believe it or not, your information actually moves quicker than a bolt of lightening.. that is, as long as you’re not still on dial-up (and even then, it actually still may!). I’ve built nationwide connectivity for major retail chains consisting of hundreds of stores, to automating connectivity processes, and even pro-active repair of services within ISP networks. I’ve seen it all, and I know what works, and why.

Being proactive in repairing a problem is always better than being reactive. Sometimes you won’t realize there’s an issue until it’s completely failed. Using advanced monitoring tools, I can identify problems beginning to occur before they become a real issue. It’s this proactive approach that can save countless hours of headaches later. 

But when it does, ever find yourself saying “I’m losing hundreds (thousands) of dollars every hour this is down!”. When so much is at stake, why risk the downfall? A common question I ask is “how much would you pay each month to ensure you didn’t have downtime?”, and “how much would you pay right now to have this problem fixed immediately, as opposed to tomorrow when the technician is dispatched”. I’ll help you implement redundancy and achieve a place where you know your business is safe, even if a cable is cut down the street.

    Check Your Options

    Enter your service address below and I’ll let you know what options are available in your area. There’s likely a lot you may not have thought about, but I’m here to help.